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High Pure Grade Acid

페이지 정보


High Pure Grade Reagents

Auto Graphite Digestior Automatic Graphite Acid Decomposition System

Recently, microscopic analysis has been conducted not only in semiconductors but also in the environment, food, ocean, agricultural and fishery products.
Acid used in sample decomposition is a very important factor in relation to sample contamination in trace amount analysis.
Currently, there are two grades on the market: Ultra High Pure Grade and High Pure Grade.

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Detailed product description

Specification of High Pure

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

Products Volume Concentration Remarks
OD-HP-HNO3 1000㎖ 65% Keep Refrigerator
OD-HP-HCl 1000㎖ 31% Keep Refrigerator

Specification of Ultra High Pure

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

Products Volume Concentration Remarks
OD-UHP-HNO3 500㎖ 65% Keep Refrigerator
OD-UHP-HCl 500㎖ 31% Keep Refrigerator
OD-UHP-HF 500㎖ 50% Keep Refrigerator
OD-UHP-H2SO4 250㎖ 96% Keep Refrigerator
OD-UHP-H2O2 500㎖ 30% Keep Refrigerator
OD-UHP-Ultra 1000㎖ - Keep Refrigerator
(Order Made:max 25Kg)

Items List for High Pure Grade Reagents

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

P/N Products Package Application
OD-HP-HNO3 HNO3 1000ml/bottle Ultra trace level (ICP,GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-HP-HCl HCl 1000ml/bottle Ultra trace level (ICP,GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-HNO3 HNO3 500ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-HCl HCl 500ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-HF2 HF 500ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-H2SO4 H2SO4 250ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-H2O2 H2O2 500ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)
OD-UHP-Ultra Water 1000ml/bottle Ultra trace level (GFAA,ICP/MS)