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페이지 정보


RM (Reference material) / CRM (Certified reference material)

Reference Material (RM) : A Reference Material is material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to one or more specified property values, which has been established to be for its intended use in a measurement process. Reference materials may be used in the calibration of measurement systems, assessment of measurement procedures, assigning values to other materials, and quality control.

Certified Reference Material (CRM) : A Certified Reference Material is reference material characterized by a metrologically valid procedure for one or more specified properties, accompanied by a reference material certificate that provides the value of the specified property, its associated uncertainty, and a statement of metrological traceability.

Metrological traceability : Metrological traceability is a property of a measurement result that refers to the ability to relate the result to a reference through a documented, unbroken chain of calibrations. This means that the measurement result can be traced back to a known standard, such as a national or international standard, with a high degree of confidence and accuracy.

Detailed product description

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

Soil, Fertilizer Sediment Sea Water Sludge & Paint Food,Animal,Plants,Drink Ash Prticulate Dust
Soil Sediment sea water Sludge &Paint Food,Animal,Plants,Drink Ash Priticulate Dust

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

Rock, metal, ceramic, glass, grass, minerals Plastics & Elastomer & Filter media Toxin / Dioxin / Furan / Pollutants std Petrochemical std Standard
Rock, metal, ceramic, glass, grass, minerals Plastics & Elastomer & Filter media Toxin / Dioxin / Furan / Pollutants std Petrochemical std Standard
ODLAB Metal        
Other Metal Solids        

Please check the table below by moving it horizontally.

Coal RoHS Residual Pesticides Proficiency Testing (P.T) Miscellaneous
Coal Plastic Pesticides and Metabolites Fungicides Schedule Miscellaneous
  Phthal Pesticides and Metabolites Pesticides    
  Glass Pesticide Mixtures    
  Metal chip & disc      